Our SEND Youth Forums
Our youth forums are open to any Reading or Wokingham young person 8 – 25 years old with any additional need and their siblings.
Special United and Say YES both meet every half-term, so 6 times per year. Young people can attend all or just some of the sessions.
Have your say on local services, meet new friends and enjoy a takeaway!
As a recognition of the contribution our young people make to local services, they will receive a £10 Amazon voucher.

For more information or to book yourself/your young person onto the next session, please email ramona@me2club.org.uk

What Young People Said, What We Did
Date | What Young People Said | What We Did |
Jan 2022 | Improve the Local Offer. Include more information about getting help at school and with colleges, employment and activities outside school. | Wokingham Borough Council is using Safety Valve money to improve the Local Offer. They are due to visit Say YES again in Nov 2023 Me2 Club arranged for SENDIASS to talk about how they can help young people with school and college and Adviza’s BEEP project about options after school and college. We have also arranged for Ways into Work to speak at Say Yes in Sept 23. |
Mar 22 | Adviza’s BEEP project spoke about options after school and college. | |
May 22 | You told us how GP and hospital appointments can be improved. | We have passed your views on to the Royal Berkshire Hospital and the health commissioners – the BOB ICB. |
July 22 | Young people told us what they wanted the national SEND reforms to look like. | Wokingham Borough Council gave Say YES’s views to the national government. This is the government’s response. SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan (publishing.service.gov.uk) |
Sept 22 | Educational Psychologists talked about managing our mental health and coping with bullying. | |
Nov 22 | You told Wokingham Borough Council how they can make Wokingham more child friendly. Young people also said that they often didn’t feel safe at school or college. | Me2 Club have passed this information on to the Community Safety Officers, the people revising the Wokingham SEND strategy. |
Jan 23 | We heard for Arc Counselling and SENDIASS about how they can support young people. | |
Mar 23 | Make the introduction video for the new Keyworking team shorter and more engaging. Make a Youth Social Action team on improving awareness of additional needs in Wokingham and Reading | The Keyworking team have made a new video and will show it to Say YES in Nov 23 The new youth social action group: Include Me2 started in June 23. |
May 23 | Young people talked to No 5 about what they want from a youth centre. They also voted on logos for the new Keyworking Team. | No 5 will be using young people’s views in the design. You can see the winning Keyworker logo here: Keyworking Team, Berkshire West | Children Young People and Families Online Resource (berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk) |
Jun 23 | Young people told us how they want Wokingham Borough Council to improve preparing for adulthood support. | Me2 Club are meeting regularly with the council to develop this work. |