Our Final Volunteer Training of 2022!

We are excited to welcome 18 new volunteers who were trained at our November Volunteer Induction Training. We are so pleased to have these volunteers join us to support our existing children who need a new volunteer but also to support children who have come off our waiting list. The attendees gave some excellent feedback… read more

Welcome to all our new volunteers!

This month, we ran our largest training of the year so far. We met 20 new volunteers who enthusiastically learned about their role. We received some great feedback, with 95% of volunteer’s reporting an increased knowledge of additional needs after training. Volunteers rated the quality of our teaching, on average, 9/10, and 72% felt more… read more

Me2 Club is handing the mic to an essential group: our volunteers

Me2 Club is an inclusion charity which aims to tackle the isolation and exclusion which can impact children and young people with additional needs and disabilities. We do this by training specialist volunteers, pairing them with a child or young adult to support them during leisure activities they wouldn’t otherwise have been able to enjoy…. read more

Meet Pierce & Binit

“Their lives have been richer by being supported to get involved in activities by Me2 Club volunteers”  Me2 Club is an inclusion charity for children and young people (aged 5-19) with additional needs and disabilities in the Wokingham and Reading Boroughs. Me2 Club’s work aims to tackle the social isolation and loneliness experienced by children… read more

Everything You Need to Know About Being a Charity Trustee

Me2 Club is an inclusion charity which aims to tackle the isolation and exclusion which can impact children and young people with additional needs and disabilities. Our objective is to enable them to join in with regular leisure activities like uniformed groups, sports clubs and drama groups. As a local charity we are lucky to… read more

Summer Fun in the Sun!

On Sunday 14th August 2022 we held the Me2 Club Summer party at Thames Valley Adventure Playground. It was a very sunny Sunday and the children, teenagers and families enjoyed the face painter and summer crafts as well as the amazing range of activities TVAP has to offer. We also hosted our annual Volunteer Awards! All our… read more

Rising to the Challenge: Perspectives on Fundraising From a Small Charity

Like small charities across the UK, Me2 Club is still in the process of responding to the various ways Covid affected the non-profit sector. Even pre-pandemic, small charities faced specific challenges; and with the repercussions of coronavirus still rolling around, there are now even more moving parts to factor in. While the challenges are undeniable,… read more

Corporate Philanthropy: Making the Most of the Resources You are Able to Give

In an ideal world everyone would play an active part in giving back to society, and that’s not just at an individual level; it’s about businesses doing their bit too. Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) policy refers to the measurable efforts taken by a company to improve society and contribute towards sustainable development.  The social component… read more

The Importance of Listening to Children’s Voices

Me2 Club is an inclusion charity which helps children and young people with additional needs get involved in mainstream activities. As a children’s charity, of course it goes without saying that we want to help improve the lives of the young people we work with!  The means by which we can achieve this qualitative improvement… read more

Inclusion: What it Means, Why it Matters, and How You Can Help

Me2 Club is an inclusion charity which helps children and young people with additional needs get involved in mainstream activities. While the importance of inclusivity is becoming more a part of public consciousness, it’s still a concept that deserves further focus and attention, so that’s what we’re going to shine a spotlight on today. What… read more

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