On Sunday 14th August 2022 we held the Me2 Club Summer party at Thames Valley Adventure Playground. It was a very sunny Sunday and the children, teenagers and families enjoyed the face painter and summer crafts as well as the amazing range of activities TVAP has to offer. We also hosted our annual Volunteer Awards! All our volunteers are amazing and make a huge difference to our children’s lives through giving their time every week and fundraising efforts. We wanted to say a special thank you to those who have gone above and beyond and congratulate our winners:
Me2 Club Progress Award – Ellis
Me2 Club Extra Mile Award – Miranda
Me2 Club Young Fundraiser Award – Dalia
Me2 Club Fundraiser Award – Chris, Emma and Sofia
In addition to these awards, this year we handed out a very special Volunteer Award in memory and recognition of Alexandra Briess, a volunteer who sadly passed away in May 2021. In honour of Alex’s memory, Me2 Club and Alex’s family developed this special volunteers award to remember her legacy and impact. Volunteers who are nominated for this award embody many of the qualities that made Alex so special.
We are very pleased to announce the winner of this award is Amy Long! Thank you to Amy for all her hard work, enthusiasm and empathy she has demonstrated, whilst supporting her matched child at swimming.
A big ‘thank you’ to Co-op London Road Reading Store, Boyes Turner and Thermal Management Solutions for funding the event.