Our Vision
Inclusion for all children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
Our mission is to address the challenges of isolation and exclusion by children with additional needs and disabilities

Our Strategic Aims:
- Children, young people and their families will actively influence decisions in the charity and co-produce the support that they receive
- We will increase the number of children, young people and families we support through high quality services that make a difference to their lives
- We will share children, young people and families experiences and influence mainstream leisure providers to become more inclusive and accessible
We will achieve our strategic aims by championing the right for inclusion for all young people with additional needs and disabilities across Berkshire, through our partnerships with families, volunteers, activity leaders and other voluntary and statutory sector organisations.
Our support will be accessible through a range of channels including direct service delivery, volunteer assisted and digital. We will do more to build on young people’s life skills, independence and resilience to better tackle the impacts on mental health and well-being caused by exclusion and social isolation. Our support will also help to improve the lives of family members, including parents and siblings.
We will learn from the experiences of young people and families to influence and shape the way our services are developed and delivered to remain responsive to their needs.