Kids and Crew Online Meetups in May

During May, we have continued to run our Me2 Club Crew and Me2 Club Kids sessions online through Zoom. The sessions have been offered to over 70 families and we have loved seeing some of the children attend their first session this month and have fun! Lots of the children we work with have developed friendships through their involvement with the charity and we are really happy to help keep these connections going and spread a little joy at such an uncertain time.

On Tuesday 5th May, we ran an exercise session through Zoom for all our Me2 Club children and teenagers with Alice from Alice Hudson Health and Fitness. The session was animal themed and Alice got us all to raise our heart rates with lots of fun animal moves as well as a game of musical statues at the end. It is important that we are all looking after our bodies and minds during this time and so it was really great to see so many of the children having fun and getting active! Thank you to Alice for leading the session and to everyone who joined in.

On 12th May, we facilitated a charades session with our Me2 Club Crew teenagers, with the theme of ‘actions’. Everyone took it in turns to mime and working as a team, we managed to guess every action! This month Nikki has been working with families to find how we can make these sessions more manageable for any teenagers who are feeling anxious about attending, which has resulted in our highest attendance rate for the Me2 Club online crew to date, with 77% of our teenagers joining in along with 3 volunteers.

On Wednesday 20th May, Jess & Vicky ran 5 Me2 Club Kids sessions for 15 children and siblings as well a couple of our volunteers. We played a game of 20 questions mixed with show and tell, where the group asked questions to try and guess what item each child had brought to the session. It was great to see the children’s’ favourite toys and some weird and wonderful items from around their houses including a set of Russian nesting dolls, a space hopper, cuddly toys and even a handmade potion! Thank you to the volunteers who came along, it was lovely to see children and their matched volunteers reconnecting and having fun together.

One parents said: ‘thank you so much for the zoom call earlier. Both kids thoroughly enjoyed it. M was really keen to join in! He loves show and tell, I thought he might struggle to take turns and listen but I was very proud of him!’

On Wednesday 27th May our teenagers chose to play the game ‘Colour Brain’. Everyone had a set of different coloured cards and they used these to answer a series of quiz questions. It was great opportunity for our teenagers to catch up with their friends and tell them about all the interesting things they have been doing this week, including walking, bike riding, baking and table tennis.

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